NH Community Seafood
Contact: Cooperative
Address: 1 Peirce Island Road Portsmouth, NH, 03801
Email Address: enrica@nhcommunityseafood.com
Phone: 603-988-4866
Website: http://www.nhcommunityseafood.com
About Us
NH Community Seafood is a seafood cooperative, with both Consumer, Restaurant and Fishermen Shareholders. We purchase NH and regionally harvested seafood directly from the Fishermen and Harvesters and deliver it to your door!
Our Restaurant Supported Fishery (RSF) is designed for Restaurants, Retail Outlets, Food Hubs and smaller Instituions. We are supply driven, working along the lines of the traditional “Catch of the Week” concept. We offer weekly Haddock and the Catch of the Week from April-Dec.
We also have a thriving Community Supported Fishery (CSF) for individual consumers. We promote your restaurant/retail store to those members regularly. We also encourage our Members to dine/shop at your establishment. It’s truly a win/win to buy from us!
Every pound of seafood purchased provides a $0.50/lb incentive to our Fishermen. By supporting us, you support them.
The maritime fishing industry, a vital element of the economy, culture, and history of the New Hampshire Seacoast, is in crisis. We are addressing this crisis by increasing the recognition and appreciation of the interdependent roles that the fishing industry and the consumer play in our local ecological economy.
This is a pioneering effort intended to reconnect the local consumer base with New Hampshire commercial fisherman via a new marketplace for locally sourced seafood—a direct market from “Fish to Dish”. In doing so, we provide local fishermen a fair market price, plus an incentive of .50/lb for all the species they catch and provide the consumer with access to a wide variety of fresh locally caught seafood throughout the season, better insight into the supply chain that brings seacoast seafood to their table, and direct input about the choice and diversity of fish they consume.
The cultivation and nurturing of this direct relationship between local fishermen with local consumers is intended to increase demand for local seafood, to promote community awareness and engagement in marine resource issues, and to support our local and regional economies through the preservation of the livelihoods of local fishermen and the supporting of shore-side support infrastructure.