Julie’s Happy Hens
Contact: Matt Gelbwaks and Julie Whitcomb
Address: 43 Old Milford Rd. Mont Vernon, NH, 03057
Email Address: julieshappyhens@gmail.com
Phone: 603-320-2353
Website: www.julieshappyhens.com
About Us
Julie’s Happy Hens is the largest pasture-raised table egg producer in the state. It is a terrible award to be bestowed on such a small operation, but it probably best defines how dire the agricultural situation has become in New Hampshire. Never the less, we are approximately 3500 birds producing free-range, possibly fertile, eggs in the lee of the Monadnocks. Most of our birds are laying hens, but we also have roosters, guineas, ducks, geese, peafowl, and turkeys.
We also raise a flock of milking sheep to produce cheese and yogurt as well as wonderful cuts of lamb.
We focus on sustainable agriculture using natural and humane practices. Our philosophical approach has as its keystone the well being of the land and our animals. We welcome visitors and are always proud to show off our farm. In fact, we encourage people to visit and participate in the animal’s lives, as that is the best way to understand the basis for your food and the responsibilities you have as a consumer, as well as the responsibilities we have as your farmer.
We do not use specifically non-gmo feed, as we can not source it without adding considerably to our carbon footprint. We have a special mixture formulated for us by BlueSeal and ground to order. it is pro-biotic and homeopathic in nature, but uses conventional soy and corn. Our husbandry practices for all animals go well beyond the rigors of the Organic Standards, but without the non-gmo feed, we are not certifiable. We use no pesticides, herbicides, or hormones and only antibiotics in life or death situations (and then, only with the sheep). We are also record keeping fanatics.