Home Delivery
Fresh, healthy, local, nutrient-rich and delicious food from farm to doorstep
Three River Farmers Alliance provides local food home delivery service operating year-round in the Greater NH Seacoast region extending to the North Shore region of Massachusetts.
As of December 12th 2024 we are pleased to be offering exciting new vegetable and fruit, and local meat subscriptions, as well as combo subscription options including cheese, mushrooms, and pantry essentials. We will soon be offering additional items from our extensive farm and producer network.
Subscriptions can be viewed and pre-ordered here
Why join? Well, other than enjoying regular deliveries of the region’s freshest, highest quality products, and being provided full transparency and source identification of where your food comes from; your subscription directly supports your local agricultural community and helps to build a healthier and resilient food system.
Free Membership
Registration is simple and only takes 2 minutes!
Choose from the selection of subscriptions and select your order frequency on 3RFA’s storefront.
Pay as you go with options for weekly or bi-weekly deliveries. Place a hold for any amount of time ten days prior to your next delivery. You will be assigned a delivery day upon registration based on your location. Payment is completed automatically the week of deliveries ensuring you only ever pay for what you receive.
There is a $10 service fee for all deliveries.
There is a $5 service fee for all order pickups. In the event a customer is unable to pick up their order during the time allotted at their specific pickup location, the service fee will be increased to $10.
Missed Pickup Fees
In the event a customer is unable to pick up their order during the time allotted at their specific pickup location, the service fee will be increased to $12.00.
How It Works

Step 1
Order Window
Ordering for all Home Delivery and Wholesale locations opens on Thursdays at 10am and closes Mondays at 3pm.

Step 2
When your weekly order window opens, Login to your account to build your cart. Confirm your order once completed.
When your order window closes, a list is sent directly to our farmer and producer partners of what was ordered.

Step 3
The next day, farms deliver your items to our Fremont, NH facility where our packout team inspects items for quality and boxes your complete order.

Step 4
Your order is delivered to your front step or community pick up location on your set delivery day.
Payment is processed weekly on Thursdays.
Shop With Us
Registration and Account Setup
Visit the registration page to create your account.
Step 2: Selecting Home Delivery
Select “Home Delivery” from the dropdown menu for either home delivery or satellite pick-up locations. Available service locations are determined by zip code.
Step 3: Delivery or Pick-up
When asked to choose your “Location,” select the town or community pickup location where your orders will be delivered. If your location is not directly serviced, search nearby locations for community pick up points.
Order windows vs delivery windows
Order windows are specific to regions that we service to allow our small fleet to be efficiently routed for timely home delivery.
When you place an order through Local Food Marketplace (LFM), it goes directly to the producers and farmers.
Upon receipt at our facility, orders are expedited and routed for home delivery.
Please note: Since Three River does not keep a rolling inventory at our facility, orders cannot be changed when order windows are closed.
Cart Management
Cart Management
We source from small, local farmers and producers.
Available inventory posted by our producer partners to Local Food Marketplace is often limited and may become unavailable during your order window. When you have selected your desired items to your cart it is important to confirm your order to secure the items.
Upon confirmation, available inventory is updated reserving the items in your cart. Item quantities in your cart can be edited by clicking the pencil icon to the left of the item.
To remove an item completely from your cart, change the quantity to zero. You will receive a confirmation email confirming your order. You can edit a confirmed order at any time while your ordering window is open.
Click HERE for answers to more FAQs.
Pickup & Delivery Locations
New Hampshire
Brandmoore Farm
70 Sligo Rd, Rollinsford, NH
4pm-6pm Thursdays
Heron Pond Farm
290 Main Ave. South Hampton, NH
10am-6pm Fridays
Three River Farmers Alliance
25 Spaulding Rd Unit 18
Fremont, NH 03044
3pm-5pm Tuesdays
Tuckaway Farm
4 Captain Smith Emerson Road, Lee, NH
3pm-5pm Thursdays
Delivery Locations
New Hampshire
Brentwood (Thursday)
Dover (Thursday)
Durham (Thursday)
East Kingston (Friday)
Epping (Thursday)
Exeter (Thursday)
Fremont (Thursday)
Greenland (Thursday)
Hampton (Thursday)
Hampton Falls (Friday)
Kensington (Friday)
Kingston (Friday)
Lee (Thursday)
Madbury (Thursday)
Newfields (Thursday)
Newmarket (Thursday)
North Hampton (Thursday)
Portsmouth (Thursday)
Rollinsford (Thursday)
Rye (Thursday)
Rye Beach (Thursday)
Somersworth (Thursday)
South Hampton (Friday)
Stratham (Thursday)
Amesbury (Friday)
Arlington (Friday)
Belmont (Friday)
Byfield (Friday)
Cambridge (Friday)
Medford (Friday)
Merrimac (Friday)
Newbury (Thursday)
Newburyport (Friday)
Salisbury (Friday)
Salisbury Beach (Friday)
Somerville (Friday)
Watertown (Friday)
West Newbury (Friday)
Happy Customers
What is your Model?
Three River Farmers Alliance is an aggregate food hub. We facilitate the aggregation, storage, transportation, and marketing of regionally produced food products of behalf of our farmer and producer partners. We actively coordinate these activities providing wider access to institutional and retail markets for local producers increasing access of fresh, healthy food for consumers, including underserved areas.
As an aggregate food hub, produce and products ordered by customers are delivered to our warehouse facility after purchase by customers to then be packed for delivery. We do not maintain a rolling inventory for which product to be pulled to order. Exact counts of each purchased item are delivered to our warehouse by the farms and producers based upon customer orders. This ensures you receive the freshest produce directly from the source. Please note, this also means that substitutions, cancelations, or quantity changes cannot be honored after the close of an order window.
Are you a wholesale distributor?
Veggie-GO Disclaimer:
3RFA is an aggregate food hub, not a wholesale distributor. We do not manage a running inventory at our facility. All orders are sent directly to our producer partners. Completed order item quantities cannot be changed once an order window closes. 3RFA does service wholesale accounts. More information can be found here.
Is everything locally sourced?
Out of Region Procurement:
Product variety and availability regularly shift. Seasonality, weather events, and limited output by smaller producers are examples of variables outside of 3RFA’s control. Maintaining a diverse selection of products available to our customers is dependent on consistency in product availability. As such, representation of local producers is prioritized, however it is regularly necessary to source beyond 3RFA’s local agricultural network.
Products that are not sourced locally are clearly marked as “Sourced out of region” in the storefront. The producers of these items go through the same rigorous vetting process as those within 3RFA’s local network. Guidelines are in place to ensure prioritization of our local producer partners while allowing product sourcing to go beyond our local networks.
Is there a membership fee?
Do I need to order every week?
Members are free to order as infrequently as necessary. There are no requirements or additional costs to maintain membership.
How do I sign up for Home Delivery?
Register for an account (click HERE for the registration page) and choose your “Default Distribution Location” as either home delivery or a pickup site.
Location availability and order windows are determined by zip code.
When is my ordering window?
The order window for all customers opens on Thursdays at 10am and runs through Mondays at 3pm.
Check periodically If you are not seeing items in stock at the very beginning of the ordering window as our producers refresh quantities throughout the week.
Once you have confirmed your order, you can still log back in and add to/edit your order if your window is still open.
Location availability and order windows are determined by zip code.
How do I place an order?
Once you have created an account and chosen your default distribution location, here is how to place an order:
- Log into https://shop.threeriverfa.com/Account/Login during your open ordering window
- Build your cart by shopping from our variety of farms and producers
- Confirm your order to reserve the items in your cart
- Check periodically if you are not seeing items in stock at the very beginning of the ordering window, our producers may update quantities throughout the day
- Once you have confirmed your order, you can still log back in and edit your order as long as your window is still open
- When your window has closed you will receive a final order confirmation
- Your credit card saved on file will be charged the business day after your delivery has been successfully made
How do I confirm my order?
How do I cancel my order?
Why are items selling out from my cart while I am trying to pay?
You can confirm your order as many times as you want and continue shopping.
Storing a credit card onto your account is best practice to enable repeat order confirmations.
Can I [add/edit/delete] to/from my order?
If your order window is still open, you can always log back in and edit order item quantities. Here is how:
- Log into www.threeriverfa.com
- If your window is still open, click on either “View Order” to change existing items, or “Continue Shopping” to add new items
- To adjust quantities or delete items already in your order, click on “View Order” and you will see an icon that looks like a pencil writing in a square to the left of the item. Click on that and adjust quantities. To add new items, click on “Continue Shopping” to add items to your existing order
- You will receive a final order confirmation email when the window has closed.
How do I navigate storefront?
An item was missing from my order, how can I get a credit/refund?
The most efficient way to resolve a missing item is to email admin@threeriverfa.com with your name, Order #, item, and quantity missing.
If email is not an option, please call 603-944-9403.
Can I change my location?
You can change your distribution location at any time. Just keep in mind:
- Your order window may change (please see our Veggie-Go Fact Page for details)
- If you change after placing an order, change as soon as possible within the ordering window and send an email to admin@threeriverfa.com so we can make sure you get your order in the correct location. Here is how to change your default distribution location:
- Log into www.threeriverfa.com
- Click on “Account Information” on the left side of the page
- On the right, you will see a dropdown menu titled “Default Distribution Location”
- Click on that dropdown and select the location you wish to register with
- If you change your location within an open ordering period, alert us via email or calling 603-951-4474
How can I view my invoices?
To view your invoices on our website:
- Log into www.threeriverfa.com
- Click on “Account Activity” on the left side of the screen
- Under “Past Orders”, you will see a dropdown menu that says “Select an Order”
- Click on the order in question from that dropdown menu to pull up your updated invoice.
- Click on the “Payments & Credits” line to view charges, refunds and credits.
How do I register a different credit card?
To update your payment information:
- Log into www.threeriverfa.com
- Click on “Account Information” on the left side of the screen
- Click on the “Credit Card” tab
- Enter the new info and click “Update Credit Card Information”
© Three River Farmers Alliance 2024
Home Delivery
Fresh, healthy, local, nutrient-rich and delicious food from farm to doorstep
Three River Farmers Alliance provides local food home delivery service operating year-round in the Greater NH Seacoast region extending to the North Shore region of Massachusetts.
As of December 12th 2024 we are pleased to be offering exciting new vegetable and fruit, and local meat subscriptions, as well as combo subscription options including cheese, mushrooms, and pantry essentials. We will soon be offering additional items from our extensive farm and producer network.
Subscriptions can be viewed and pre-ordered here
Why join? Well, other than enjoying regular deliveries of the region’s freshest, highest quality products, and being provided full transparency and source identification of where your food comes from; your subscription directly supports your local agricultural community and helps to build a healthier and resilient food system.
Free Membership
Registration is simple and only takes 2 minutes!
Choose from the selection of subscriptions and select your order frequency on 3RFA’s storefront.
Pay as you go with options for weekly or bi-weekly deliveries. Place a hold for any amount of time ten days prior to your next delivery. You will be assigned a delivery day upon registration based on your location. Payment is completed automatically the week of deliveries ensuring you only ever pay for what you receive.
There is a $10 service fee for all deliveries.
There is a $5 service fee for all order pickups. In the event a customer is unable to pick up their order during the time allotted at their specific pickup location, the service fee will be increased to $10.
How It Works

Step 1
Order Window
Ordering for all Home Delivery and Wholesale locations opens on Thursdays at 10am and closes Mondays at 3pm.

Step 2
When your weekly order window opens, Login to your account to build your cart. Confirm your order once completed.
When your order window closes, a list is sent directly to our farmer and producer partners of what was ordered.

Step 3
The next day, farms deliver your items to our Fremont, NH facility where our packout team inspects items for quality and boxes your complete order.

Step 4
Your order is delivered to your front step or community pick up location on your set delivery day.
Payment is completed the day after so you only pay for what you receive.
Registration and Account Setup
Step 1: Registration
Visit the registration page to create your account.
Step 2: Selecting Home Delivery
Select “Home Delivery” from the dropdown menu for either home delivery or satellite pick-up locations. Available service locations are determined by zip code.
Step 3: Delivery or Pick-up
When asked to choose your “Location,” select the town or community pickup location where your orders will be delivered. If your location is not directly serviced, search nearby locations for community pick up points.
Order windows vs delivery windows
Order windows are specific to regions that we service to allow our small fleet to be efficiently routed for timely home delivery.
When you place an order through Local Food Marketplace (LFM), it goes directly to the producers and farmers.
Upon receipt at our facility, orders are expedited and routed for home delivery.
Please note: Since Three River does not keep a rolling inventory at our facility, orders cannot be changed when order windows are closed.
Cart Management
Cart Management
We source from small, local farmers and producers.
Available inventory posted by our producer partners to Local Food Marketplace is often limited and may become unavailable during your order window. When you have selected your desired items to your cart it is important to confirm your order to secure the items.
Upon confirmation, available inventory is updated reserving the items in your cart. Item quantities in your cart can be edited by clicking the pencil icon to the left of the item.
To remove an item completely from your cart, change the quantity to zero. You will receive a confirmation email confirming your order. You can edit a confirmed order at any time while your ordering window is open.
Click HERE for answers to more FAQs.
Pickup & Delivery Locations
New Hampshire
Brandmoore Farm
70 Sligo Rd, Rollinsford, NH
4pm-6pm Thursdays
Heron Pond Farm
290 Main Ave. South Hampton, NH
10am-6pm Fridays
Three River Farmers Alliance
25 Spaulding Rd Unit 18
Fremont, NH 03044
3pm-5pm Tuesdays
Tuckaway Farm
4 Captain Smith Emerson Road, Lee, NH
3pm-5pm Thursdays
Delivery Locations
New Hampshire
Brentwood (Thursday)
Dover (Thursday)
Durham (Thursday)
East Kingston (Friday)
Epping (Thursday)
Exeter (Thursday)
Fremont (Thursday)
Greenland (Thursday)
Hampton (Thursday)
Hampton Falls (Friday)
Kensington (Friday)
Kingston (Friday)
Lee (Thursday)
Madbury (Thursday)
Newfields (Thursday)
Newmarket (Thursday)
North Hampton (Thursday)
Portsmouth (Thursday)
Rollinsford (Thursday)
Rye (Thursday)
Rye Beach (Thursday)
Somersworth (Thursday)
South Hampton (Friday)
Stratham (Thursday)
Amesbury (Friday)
Arlington (Friday)
Belmont (Friday)
Byfield (Friday)
Cambridge (Friday)
Medford (Friday)
Merrimac (Friday)
Newbury (Thursday)
Newburyport (Friday)
Salisbury (Friday)
Salisbury Beach (Friday)
Somerville (Friday)
Watertown (Friday)
West Newbury (Friday)
Happy Customers
Are you a wholesale distributor?
Veggie-GO Disclaimer:
3RFA is an aggregate food hub, not a wholesale distributor. We do not manage a running inventory at our facility. All orders are sent directly to our producer partners. Completed order item quantities cannot be changed once an order window closes. 3RFA does service wholesale accounts. More information can be found here.
Is everything locally sourced?
3RFA primarily works with farmers and producer partners in the New Hampshire Seacoast region, Vermont, Southern Maine, and Western Massachusetts. Occasionally, we are not able to meet product demand relying solely on local sourcing. 3RFA works with producers in New York and Connecticut to procure crops and select dried goods sold through Three River Farms alongside locally sourced produce. These products are always clearly source identified when listed on our storefront.
Is there a membership fee?
Do I need to order every week?
How do I sign up for Home Delivery?
Register for an account (click HERE for the registration page) and choose your “Default Distribution Location” as either home delivery or a pickup site.
Location availability and order windows are determined by zip code.
When is my ordering window?
The order window for all customers opens on Thursdays at 10am and runs through Mondays at 3pm.
Check periodically If you are not seeing items in stock at the very beginning of the ordering window as our producers refresh quantities throughout the day.
Once you have confirmed your order, you can still log back in and add to/edit your order as long as your window is still open.
Thursday and Friday deliveries
Your order window opens Fridays at 10:00am and closes Mondays at Midnight.
Check periodically If you are not seeing items in stock at the very beginning of the ordering window as our producers refresh quantities throughout the day.
Once you have confirmed your order, you can still log back in and add to/edit your order as long as your window is still open.
Location availability and order windows are determined by zip code.
How do I place an order?
Once you have created an account and chosen your default distribution location, here is how to place an order:
- Log into https://shop.threeriverfa.com/Account/Login during your open ordering window
- Build your cart by shopping from our variety of farms and producers
- Confirm your order to reserve the items in your cart
- Check periodically if you are not seeing items in stock at the very beginning of the ordering window, our producers may update quantities throughout the day
- Once you have confirmed your order, you can still log back in and edit your order as long as your window is still open
- When your window has closed you will receive a final order confirmation
- Your credit card saved on file will be charged the business day after your delivery has been successfully made
How do I confirm my order?
How do I cancel my order?
Why are items selling out from my cart while I am trying to pay?
You can confirm your order as many times as you want and continue shopping.
Storing a credit card onto your account is best practice to enable repeat order confirmations.
Can I [add/edit/delete] to/from my order?
If your order window is still open, you can always log back in and edit order item quantities. Here is how:
- Log into www.threeriverfa.com
- If your window is still open, click on either “View Order” to change existing items, or “Continue Shopping” to add new items
- To adjust quantities or delete items already in your order, click on “View Order” and you will see an icon that looks like a pencil writing in a square to the left of the item. Click on that and adjust quantities. To add new items, click on “Continue Shopping” to add items to your existing order
- You will receive a final order confirmation email when the window has closed.
How do I navigate storefront?
An item was missing from my order, how can I get a credit/refund?
The most efficient way to resolve a missing item is to email admin@threeriverfa.com with your name, Order #, item, and quantity missing.
If email is not an option, please call 603-944-9403.
Can I change my location?
You can change your distribution location at any time. Just keep in mind:
- Your order window may change (please see our Veggie-Go Fact Page for details)
- If you change after placing an order, change as soon as possible within the ordering window and send an email to admin@threeriverfa.com so we can make sure you get your order in the correct location. Here is how to change your default distribution location:
- Log into www.threeriverfa.com
- Click on “Account Information” on the left side of the page
- On the right, you will see a dropdown menu titled “Default Distribution Location”
- Click on that dropdown and select the location you wish to register with
- If you change your location within an open ordering period, alert us via email or calling 603-951-4474
How can I view my invoices?
To view your invoices on our website:
- Log into www.threeriverfa.com
- Click on “Account Activity” on the left side of the screen
- Under “Past Orders”, you will see a dropdown menu that says “Select an Order”
- Click on the order in question from that dropdown menu to pull up your updated invoice.
- Click on the “Payments & Credits” line to view charges, refunds and credits.
How do I register a different credit card?
To update your payment information:
- Log into www.threeriverfa.com
- Click on “Account Information” on the left side of the screen
- Click on the “Credit Card” tab
- Enter the new info and click “Update Credit Card Information”
© Three River Farmers Alliance 2025